This month my artwork was featured in House & Garden magazine.
The magazine came across my artwork online and printed it in the magazine as part of an art edit.
Readers look to House & Garden for unique masterpieces to add a touch of style to their homes.
Within House & Garden, they also have a regular editorial section covering art with a focus on upcoming exhibitions, up and coming styles and fantastic established artists.
I am featuring in The Art Edit’ for the September, October & November issues of the magazine. The page is a beautifully designed mood-board style spread that is used as a market place for small and independent artists, designers and brands to share their work with House & Garden readers.
In every edition they invite a handful of new artists to join the pages.
I am really looking forward to seeing the next issue which will show a new painting that will be on exhibition in Room212 Gallery as part of Bristol Art trail on September 1st to September 3rd.